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清华最新科技成果发布:全民光谱照相时代到来 [2015-07-13]

2015中国十大新锐科技人物 [2016-01-18] 新闻直播间 [2015-07-13] 新闻直播间 [2015-07-13] 新闻直播间 [2015-07-13]

Quantum Dots Could Turn Smartphone Cameras Into Scientific Instruments. NBCNEWS [2015-07-01]

One of the Most Important Tools in Science Now Fits Inside Your Phone. PM [2015-07-01]

Spectrometry reaches mass-consumer simplicity. NANOTECHWEB [2015-07-01]

MIT Chemists Develop a Quantum-Dot Spectrometer. SciTechDaily [2015-07-01]

Chemists design a quantum-dot spectrometer. MIT News [2015-07-01]

This quantum dot spectrometer fits on your smartphone. WIRED [2015-07-02]

Spectrometer made from quantum dots is compact and low cost. PHYSICSWORLD[2015-07-02]

Quantum-dot spectrometer is small enough to function within a smartphone. PHYS.ORG[2015-07-02]

Chemists design a quantum-dot spectrometer small enough for a smartphone.NANOWERK[2015-07-02]

Nanotechnology: Colourful particles for spectrometry. NATURE | NEWS & VIEWS [2015-07-02]

Nasa tech miniaturised to allow integration of quantum dot spectrometers into smartphones. International Business Times [2015-07-03]

Scientists Develop Tiny Spectrometer That Can Fit Inside Your Smartphone. TECH TIMES[2015-07-04]

Scientists develop spectrometer that fits inside smartphones. The Economic Times[2015-07-06]

Scientists develop spectrometer that fits inside smartphones. GIZBOT[2015-07-07]

Spectrometer Small Enough to Work With Smartphones for Bedside, Field Work. MedGadget[2015-07-07]

微型量子点光谱仪问世 科技日报[2015-07-03]

微型量子点光谱仪问世 为制造更高性能光谱仪铺平道路 中国科技网[2015-07-03]

微型量子点光谱仪问世 中国网[2015-07-03]

微型量子点光谱仪问世 中国科学院[2015-07-03]

微型量子点光谱仪问世 人民网[2015-07-03]

微型量子点光谱仪问世 光明网[2015-07-03]

电子工程系博士生导师鲍捷在《自然》发表论文展示基于胶体量子点纳米材料制作微型光谱仪的新方法 清华新闻网 [2015-07-07]

微型量子点光谱仪为制造高性能光谱仪铺平道路 科普中国[2015-07-04]

我科学家研制出微型量子点光谱仪 中国科学报[2015-07-07]

我科学家研制出微型量子点光谱仪 中国科学院[2015-07-07]

中国:研制出微型量子点光谱仪 新华网 [2015-07-08]

中国研制出微型量子点光谱仪 硅谷动力 [2015-07-08]

7月2日《自然》杂志精选 科学网[2015-07-13]

专业化学检测有望走进生活 光明日报 [2015-07-14]
